now it all makes sense! The horse was
trained by Chacha Chaudhary! Do you realise what that
means? The sick fuck actually trained
the horse to gallop to the police station every time he set
firecrackers to his tail. He could have trained him to do exactly
the same thing after just a pat on the back. But no, the senile
bastard has to go with the bloody firecrackers.
in case you haven't figured out why Chacha Chaudhary was suddenly
walking around with a horse, why he went though all the trouble
orchestrating this weird twisted plan, it's spelled out for
you right there:
an old man with basically just one set of clothes, he's frighteningly
in all, this story has everything you need to enjoy a Chacha
Chaudhary comic - weird translations, screwed up drawings, and
a form of logic that could fry any child's mental faculties.
Plus... it has Gabbar Singh. Yes, this story had everything...
except Sabu. This world would be a better place if all stories
had more Sabu in them. In fact, even Sholay could have
been made better by simply including Sabu in it. Can't you just
see it?