to the newly-updated About section. Here I'll try to answer
some of the frequently asked questions about this website. Here
we go:
is Vishal Patel?
Who the fuck are you?
is VishalPatel.com? Is this a "blog"?
Basically, this is where I write about stuff that interests
or amuses me, and lot of stuff on here happens to be related
to the '80s and pop culture in India. I wouldn't call it a "blog",
but that's just by my definition of the word.
years, asshole! That's how long it's been.
Yeah, sorry about that. With everything going on in my life,
updating this site was the farthest thing from my mind for a
long time. I've been writing, just not the kind of stuff I like
to put up here. Which is a shame for me; the Marukawa people
liked my Fusen Gum tribute so much that they sent me a package
with this letter and even
more funky Japanese bubblegum.
Arigato gozaimas!
sent you an e-mail and you never replied! I hate you and hope
you die!
If you sent an e-mail to the address on this website anytime
in the last 24 months, I regret to say I never got it. Some
of the most interesting e-mail conversations I've ever had have
been with people I met because of this site, but after my e-mail
server crashed, all my saved correspondences were gone (along
with the plan to post them here). After that, the e-mails started
bouncing back, but by this time most of them were death threats
from angry readers. Now that everything's live again, please
do get in touch.
this is still a picture of me being cool. |
do you love the '80s so much?
Best time ever to have been a kid. Michael Jackson was still
black and Mumbai was still Bombay. Hindi cinema was turning
into Bollywood at its cheesiest. The movies rolled in from the
West: Superman I, II, III, IV. Back to the Future and Indiana
Jones. And from the East, Jackie Chan and Johnny Sokko.
else do you like?
Books, films, comics, music,
cartoons, 3-D movies, Skeletor,
philosophy, pop culture, theatre,
travel, writing in Elvish
and playing the didgeridoo.
man, are these Tasha Files for real?
100% real.
= 8/3
x = ±4/5
tried visiting the site before, and it said bandwidth limit
This site still gets an insane number of hits, and sudden spikes
used to overshoot the server's capacity. Now that I've increased
the bandwidth limit, this shouldn't be a problem anymore. Thanks
for checking back.