Pretty awesome, huh? You wanna
go buy yourself a copy right now, don't you? Just to see if
Skeletor and the Sorceress manage to hook up? There's a catch,
though. The title is printed by Diamond Comics - the same guys
who bring you Chacha Chaudhary - so you know they just won't
let you have a 100% non-shitty reading experience.
You see, the comic seems to be sponsored in
part by Big Babol gum. Now, in most sane societies, this would
mean placing advertisements within the comic. But what does
Diamond Comics do? They actually have a two page Big Babol ad
starring He-Man before any of the other stories!
Now it's obvious that whoever wrote this advertisement
doesn't know jack about He-Man, and have never seen the cartoons
or even read the comic in their lives. We see two opposing camps...
the "slaves of Skaletor"
who are two walking crocodiles; and the "faithfull
servants of He-Man", which is one guy in red spandex.
You see? Even if you can overlook the spelling
of "Skaletor" and the shitty English that abounds,
this is an incredibly weirdass story in the making. He-Man,
for one, is completely out of character. "Skaletor
should die or everything will be ruined!" This is
a guy that spends 29 minutes of the cartoon trying to defeat
Bone-face, and the last 1 minute saving his life so he can escape
to do the same thing next week. But apparently two walking crocodiles
were the last straw, so now Skaletor must die.
See that smiling pink ball waving at you from
between frames? That's the Big Babol mascot. You'll be seeing
a lot of him in these two pages. He's so commonplace that none
of the other characters even notice him.
See Orko in the last frame? He gets an idea:
Big Babol. That's another thing about this ad... they never
type Big Babol in plain text. They always use the logo.
Actually they don't use plain text anywhere in this
story - it's all Comic Sans.
I'm not quite sure how they made this ad. I'm
guessing they just took random images from He-Man stories, pieced
them together and added their own dialogue in the speech balloons.
On the other hand, the speech balloons are pretty well-defined,
and the colour of He-Man's hair and armour seem a bit off, so
this could actually be original artwork, or at the very least
traced and re-created. Do you realise what this means? They
actually sat down and wrote a story this bizzare. The
comics might be printed here legally, but there is no
way you can convince me that the people in charge
of He-Man would let an advertisement like this be made. I won't
believe it, I won't, I won't.